Release Day for Yesterday’s Tides!

Release Day for Yesterday’s Tides!

The Story Behind the Story

I feel like I say this a lot, LOL, but this is one of those books that has traveled with me for a loooong time. I first wrote this story over the summer of 2004, in the months following my college graduation. This was the first story to ever wake me up in the middle of the night and NOT LET ME GO. There was just something about Louisa and Rem…something about the Outer Banks setting…something about the idea of love blooming where it shouldn’t that held me in its grip.

That original story, which was only about Louisa and Rem and not at all the time-slip it has turned into, was a contemporary. Louisa was still the handy-woman daughter of an innkeeper in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Rem was still in intelligence, but was an analyst for the CIA. His mom was still a piece of work. 😉 But what made me love these characters and their story so much was, I think, their hearts. Louisa would give up anything, anything for love of her family. She would take any risk, make any sacrifice if it was for the good of those she loved. Rem was a man of deep intelligence, deep faith, and deep heart who wanted to give Louisa her dreams but was afraid he’d stand in the way of them instead.

That first version, written nearly two decades ago, was called Unrequested, Unrequited. I eventually decided that was a bit of a mouthful, LOL, and when I rewrote the book to pitch it to editors back in the 2010s (still as a contemporary romance), I retitled it Yesterday’s Tides. And once again, when I pulled the manuscript out, it held me fast and wouldn’t let me go.

But then I began to get contracts for historicals. My genre was set, my brand began to develop. So what would I ever do with this story that was off-brand, these characters that I thought of every…single…year when my family vacationed in the Outer Banks? It was my best friend/critique partner, Stephanie Morrill, who eventually said, “Make it a historical! Set it during the First World War or the 1920s or something!”

Stephanie is brilliant. 😉

So I planted Remington Culbreath in Room 40, and I waited. I waited for my chance to tell his story.

During another vacation, I found myself flipping through a book on the islands and reading some of the WW2 history, and I thought to myself, “Why did all the interesting stuff happen here during the Second World War? That’s not ‘my’ war!” Then it hit me–TIME-SLIP!!! I could not only write Louisa and Rem’s story in the WW1 setting I’d already created for them in my mind, I could also tell another story that had come to me over the years, the story of Evie and Sterling, at the same time, but set in WW2.

Cue the confetti!!

So while this story is, in many ways, vastly different from that book I first feverishly typed out in 2004, it is also, in some ways, more the story I held in my heart, the one that held my heart. So I threw everything I had at it.

This story is what I call my “key to all mythologies.” (Bonus points if you get the Middlemarch reference, LOL.) In short, there was a character searching for a key that would link every world mythology together. Well, this is the story that combines ALL my stories! We’ve got the Culper Ring, the Ladies of the Manor, the Shadows Over England and Codebreakers worlds. We’ve got a reference to the Secrets of the Isles. We’ve got it ALL, my friends! And I couldn’t be more pleased with how this story turned out.

The cover. The time-slip. The edits. The characters. Be still, my heart!

Or rather, go ahead and race! Because finally, FINALLY Yesterday’s Tides is more than just a story carried around in my heart and mind. It’s one I get to share! This calls for some serious celebration!!!

My Wonderful Readers

I have been blessed with incredible readers and launch team members! Search #YesterdaysTides on social media to see all of their wonderful creations! You can find a few below.

The Official Back Cover Copy

In two world wars, intelligence and counterintelligence, prejudice, and self-sacrifice collide across two generations.

In 1942, Evie Farrow is used to life on Ocracoke Island, where every day is the same–until the German U-boats haunting their waters begin to wreak havoc. And when special agent Sterling Bertrand is washed ashore at Evie’s inn, her life is turned upside down. While Sterling’s injuries keep him inn-bound for weeks, making him even more anxious about the man he’s tracking, he becomes increasingly intrigued by Evie, who seems to be hiding secrets of her own.

Decades earlier, in 1914, Englishman Remington Culbreth arrives at the Ocracoke Inn for the summer, but he doesn’t count on falling in love with Louisa Adair, the innkeeper’s daughter. When war breaks out in Europe, and their relationship is put in jeopardy, will their love survive?

As Evie and Sterling work to track down an elusive German agent, they unravel mysteries that go back a generation. The ripples from the Great War are still rocking their lives, and it seems yesterday’s tides may sweep them all into danger again today.

Bestselling and award-winning author Roseanna M. White whisks you away to two periods fraught with peril in this sweeping and romantic dual-time tale.

What People Are Saying

Visit Robin’s website HERE.

Visit Carrie’s website HERE.

Visit Sarah’s website HERE.

Visit Kristy’s website HERE.


In honor of release day, I’ll be doing a Facebook Live tonight at 7 pm EST! Join me then for more behind the scenes, some fun facts, a bit of the history behind the story, hear me read a short excerpt, be entered into a BONUS giveaway just for commenters, and ask any questions you have!


What is sea glass prayer jewelry? Well, in the story, the WW2-line heroine, Evie, takes daily walks along the shore. She prays, and she collects sea glass and shells. Each item she picks up becomes linked in her mind with whomever she’s praying for at the time. Later, in her studio, she turns those pieces of glass and shell into jewelry…and every time she wears it or works on it, she yet again remembers to pray for the person. Often, rather than keeping it, she’ll give the jewelry to the person in question or their family.

I loved this idea so much when I came up with it, that I immediately went in search of some sea glass jewelry to put in my shop. I love the designs of this jeweler, and I printed up little cards to explain the “prayer jewelry” aspect. Each one you purchase comes with the card and is just waiting to be linked in your heart and mind with a prayer request, so that its vibrant colors can remind you of it each time you wear it!

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the giveaway!

To celebrate this long-awaited release, I will be giving away THREE prizes to US-addressees and ONE prize to an international winner!

Three lucky winners will receive a signed copy of the book PLUS a piece of sea glass prayer jewelery!

One winner will receive a copy of Yesterday’s Tides via BookDepository.

Giveaway – Worthy of Legend Release Day!

Giveaway – Worthy of Legend Release Day!

It’s release day for Worthy of Legend! Thank you for joining me on this journey as we explored the Isles of Scilly together. I hope you enjoyed this adventure as much as I did. Read on for some reader fun and GIVEAWAY!

About the Book


After a summer of successful pirate-treasure hunting, Lady Emily Scofield and her friends are forced to hide the unprecedented discoveries they’ve made, thanks to the betrayal of her own family. Horrified by her brother who stops at nothing to prove himself to their greedy father, Emily is forced to take a stand against her family—even when it means being cut off entirely.

Bram Sinclair, Earl of Telford, is fascinated with tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table—an interest he’s kept mostly hidden for the last decade. But when a diary is unearthed in the islands that could lead to a secret artifact, Bram is the only one able to piece the legends together.

As Bram and Emily seek out the whereabouts of the hidden artifact, they must dodge her eager family and a team of archeologists. In a race against time, they must decide what makes a hero worthy of legend—is it fighting valiantly to claim the treasure . . . or sacrificing everything in the name of selfless love?

My Wonderful Readers

I have been blessed with incredible readers and launch team members! Search #worthyoflegend on social media to see all of their wonderful creations! You can find a few below.

Instagram Challenge

Exclusive IG Challenge! Shout out to @elizabethdmarie who created this INCREDIBLE Instagram Challenge for Worthy of Legend! Share your posts and use #EDMpages2022. You can jump in any time.

Bookish Things

Facebook Live Video Tonight!

Join me for a release day live video (it will be available afterward too!) at 7 pm Eastern!


Enter the giveaway via the form before or the link HERE. Open to US mailing addresses only. Void where prohibited. Giveaway open 9/13/22-9/20/22. One (1) winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and will be notified via the email provided. See for more information.

  • The Secrets of the Isles series (signed paperback)
  • $25 Gift Card to Bookish Things

Shadowed Loyalty Release Day!

Shadowed Loyalty Release Day!

Welcome to the launch celebration for Shadowed Loyalty!


I’m so excited to be welcoming Shadowed Loyalty into the world and so excited to be welcoming YOU into the world of Sabina and Lorenzo! This book has been many years in the making. I first wrote it when my son, Rowyn, was a baby. As in, in his bouncy seat while I was up at 5 am, typing away with my fingers and bouncing him back to sleep with my foot, LOL. Rowyn is now 14…so, you know. A bit of time for the characters to really develop in my mind!

What the Book Is About

Sabina Mancari never questioned her life as the daughter of Chicago’s leading mob boss until bullets tear apart her world and the man she thought she loved turns out to be an undercover Prohibition agent. Ambushes, bribes, murder, prostitution—all her life, her father sheltered her from his crimes, but now she can no longer turn away from the truth. Maybe Lorenzo, the fiancé who barely paid her any attention in the last two years, has the right idea by planning to escape their world. But can she truly turn her back on her family.


All his life, Lorenzo’s family assumed he would become a priest, but he has different ideas—marrying Sabina and pursuing a career in the law. Despite his morals, he knows at the core he isn’t so unlike his mafiosi father and brothers. Has he, in trying to protect Sabina, forced her into the arms of the Prohibition agent bent on tearing her family apart? How can they rebuild what has so long been neglected and do it in the shadow of the dark empire of the Mafia?


Shadowed Loyalty, set amid the glitz and scandal of the Roaring Twenties, examines what love really means and how we draw lines between family and our own convictions, especially when following one could mean losing the other.


What Readers Are Saying

“With a setting both gritty and glamorous and characters who shine with authenticity, Shadowed Loyalty pits the bonds of family against the beauty of faith. Roseanna M. White has written a story that wrestles with spiritual convictions and examines how we live and love in a broken world.”

~ Stephanie Landsem, Author of In A Far-Off Land

“I can’t even begin to tell you what Shadowed Loyalty did to me, my faith, my heart.” ~ Mel F.

“Once again, Roseanna wrote a story with wonderfully deep characters and remarkable insights. I pondered the many facets of the story for days afterward.” ~ Lynn Squire

This is an intriguing, complex tale that probes the disreputable times, where the characters wrestle with unsettling choices between loyalty to family and doing what is morally right.” ~ Paula S.

What a roaring story! Roseanna M. White has written a thrilling narrative of family, love, and loyalty set in 1920’s Chicago.” ~ Anna

“A book set in Chicago during the roaring 20’s with the main characters being members of leading Mafia families might not at first glance be expected to be historical Christian fiction. Roseanna White, however, seems to be able to take just about any historical situation and produce a rip-roaring good story that is also full of spiritual depth and challenging insights into living a Christ-honoring life no matter what the circumstances.” ~ Margaret N.

Love Roseanna Whites books and I couldn’t put this one down. My favorite book so far!” ~ Carol

“The depth of Roseanna White’s characters in Shadowed Loyalty, as well as her ability to illustrate 1920’s Chicago, allowed me to immerse myself into this compelling story of love, family, and God’s amazing provision and grace. A fantastic read!” ~ Laura H.

Celebrate with Me!

I’m celebrating the release for the next month with a giveaway! But, no, not of the book. 😉 Instead, I want to share in YOUR celebration of the book with some glam and some tastiness. So here’s what you do:

Over the next month, as you read, share an image of Shadowed Loyalty to some social media platform. This can be a beautiful Bookstagram style photo of the paperback or your ereader with the digital cover on there, or just a quick snapshot on your phone with, “Look what I’m reading!” Any platform is good–just make sure to tag me! I’m on all major platforms with the handle RoseannaMWhite. And you’re welcome to do this multiple times for multiple entries!


Post a picture of YOURSELF dressed in 1920s glam–ready to read or inspired by the book–and tag me!

THEN, I’d also love to know what scene or theme or part of the book you most enjoyed! Just tell me in the form below for another chance to win.

Win what?

One lucky winner, to be drawn on June 3, 2022, will receive:

A set of the art deco dangling earrings featured on the book cover
A tin of Italian pastries
A seat at the July Tea Party Book Club where we chat about the book!

Enter between now and June 2 using this form!
(If the form isn’t displaying properly for you, just visit this page.)

Be Our Valentine ~ Giveaway!

Be Our Valentine ~ Giveaway!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! And how better to celebrate than with a fabulous Christian Historical Romance novel, am I right??

I’m teaming up with some of my favorite authors (and friends) to bring you a super fun giveaway opportunity! Just enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win these great books from these amazing authors!

To Treasure an Heiress by yours truly
The Winter Rose by Melanie Dobson
A Heart Adrift by Laura Frantz
A Hundred Crickets Singing by Cathy Gohlke
As Dawn Breaks by Kate Breslin
No Journey Too Far by Carrie Turansky

From our hearts to yours, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Giveaway – To Treasure an Heiress Release Day!

Giveaway – To Treasure an Heiress Release Day!

Happy New Year! To Treasure an Heiress is NOW AVAILABLE! I’m thrilled to be kicking off the new year with this book, the second in the Secrets of the Isles Series! This story picks up chronologically right where book 1 ends, but the focus is now on the “other Elizabeth,” Beth Tremayne…and the hilarious houseguest who inadvertently started the whole series of adventures, Lord Sheridan.

Working together, Beth and Sheridan start to piece together a story of tragic love and piratical adventure. But the true surprise is the treasure they discover in one another.

The Treasure Hunt Is On!!

I had so many people tell me that they enjoyed the Hunt through the Pages of The Nature of a Lady, that of course I had to create a second one for To Treasure an Heiress!

It works like this:

  1. Visit the Hunt through the Pages page
  2. Download the Hunt clues to keep on hand as you read
  3. Answer the questions as you go!
  4. Return to the page once you’ve finished and input your answers into the form
  5. Get entries to the GIVEAWAY!! Any entry (even if it’s totally blank) will get you ONE entry into the giveaway, and each CORRECT answer will get you another.
  6. Submit the form for access to the SECRET PAGE too!

What’s in the giveaway? And on the secret page?? Well, the giveaway is going to be a true treasure-hunt-style surprise…I’m not revealing WHAT will be included, but I can promise you there’s something shiny, something related to the book, something tasty, and that FIVE of you are going to win! The drawing will be on March 1, which means you have all of January and February to read, hunt up the answers, and get those entries in!

The Secret Page will remain live forever, even after the giveaway draws to a close, and you’ll gain access to it as soon as you submit your answers! (It’ll direct you to a page with both the link and the password for the page.) This time around, the Secret Page has a travel journal for both places you’d like to visit in life and in literature that I’ve dubbed “The Wanderlist,” a new recipe and tour booklet, the prologue and first two chapters of book 3, Worthy of Legend, and even a place to chat about the places you’d love to visit someday!

Are you a non-US reader? If so, you can certainly play along with the Hunt and gain access to the secret page! But instead of the secret treasure giveaway, you’re instead eligible for a book giveaway that will run from today until 1/18. The book will be shipped via the Book Depository. Entry form is at the bottom of this post.

Live Event

Join me for a LIVE chat TONIGHT, Tuesday, January 4th at 7pm EDT! I’ll be telling you all the fun behind-the-scenes tidbits, reading an excerpt, answering your questions, and telling you about the new Patrons & Peers system I’ll be launching later this week! Join the event HERE.

Missed it live? Don’t worry, you can still watch it at the link above!

Tea Party

Join me on Friday, March 4th to discuss To Treasure an Heiress!
Reserve your seat now!

International Giveaway

Please ONLY enter this giveaway if you have a non-US mailing address! US addressees are eligible for the main Hunt through the Pages giveaway, which you can enter via the link above.

Giveaway – The Nature of a Lady Release Day!

Giveaway – The Nature of a Lady Release Day!

There’s a lot of information here,
so here’s a quick list of what you’ll find in this post!

1. How I came up with the idea for The Nature of a Lady and why I love it

2. The “Hunt through the Pages” is on, and it has some awesome prizes

3. A science and faith resource page

4. Companion articles on subjects from the book

5. Facebook LIVE event link

Inspiration for The Nature of a Lady

I can’t believe it’s here! Finally! Release day for The Nature of a Lady, book 1 in the Secrets of the Isles series!

After seven books in a row that took place during a war, I was ready for a break–something pure fun. And that’s what this series is! Oh, not to say there aren’t some serious subjects contained in these pages. But writing these stories have been pure joy for me. We’ve got pirate tales, treasure hunts, mistaken identities, new love, old love, hometown rivalries…yep. FUN.

Hilariously, I actually got the idea for this book when The Number of Love released. My author copies arrived, and I was signing and packing up the books that readers had pre-ordered through my store. As I was looking at packing slips and signing books accordingly, I noticed quite a pattern. Namely, I have a LOT of readers named Elizabeth (or some variation thereof). Enough that at one point, I pulled another sheet forward and went, “Oh, look, another Elizabeth.”

Another Elizabeth.

The words stuck in my head. All day. Into the next. Another Elizabeth. Wouldn’t that be a funny concept for a story? Maybe it could be about a group of people all sharing the same name…could be a contemporary…it would be fun as a YA…but that’s not my style. No, so what would make sense as a historical?

I was out on the swingset with the kids when the next piece clicked into place. Edwardian era. A girl–a noblewoman in hiding, maybe–shows up at a flat she just let. The landlady greets her with “Oh, another Elizabeth is it? Hope you’re more dependable than the last.” This Elizabeth soon discovers that the previous occupant left all her stuff…including her troubles. And our heroine meets the same basic physical description too. So she gets confused with the previous Elizabeth. Then the brother of the original Elizabeth shows up…

Well, the flat turned into a holiday cottage, the name of the book got changed from Another Elizabeth to The Nature of a Lady, and the story certainly became a lot more fleshed out as I decided what sort of trouble the original Elizabeth–Beth–left for the new Elizabeth–Libby. And gracious. So much fun!!

My first step was a fabulous setting, and I settled on the Isles of Scilly (pronounced Silly), 28 miles off the coast of Cornwall. Figured I’d toss in a hunt for pirate treasure, give the hero Oliver (Beth’s brother) a rival he’s in constant battle with, have that rival be a would-be-old-flame of my third POV character, Mabena, Libby’s maid…and then just go along for the ride.

I hope you love the result as much as I do! These characters…they really gripped my heart, my mind, and my imagination. They ask questions about things that matter. They deal with tragedy and chronic illness. They struggle with anxieties and what friendship really means, how to find their place in the world. They ask questions about the universe itself. They find and deepen faith; and there’s a grandmother character I think you’ll adore.

Hunt Through the Pages

To celebrate the release of The Nature of a Lady, I thought it would be super fun to do something a little different from my usual giveaway. This time, I’m inviting YOU into the treasure hunt!

“Hunt through the Pages” while you read the book, find the answers to 20 questions, and turn them in for access to a SECRET PAGE! What’s on this page? Exclusive videos, a downloadable recipe booklet, a bonus scene featuring the story of the eldest Tremayne brother, which I’ve called “The Heart of His Brother,” and a sneak peek of the next book, To Treasure an Heiress!

PLUS, if you get your entries in by July 19, 2021, you will be entered to win one of TWELVE prize packages! (Each correct answer is one additional entry!)

Visit the Hunt through the Pages page here on my website for the full rules, to download a printable PDF of the clues, and to fill in your answers and be entered to win one of those twelve prizes!

The Prizes

Twelve winners will receive a “treasure chest” full of:

  1. A vintage teacup with saucer and a dainty spoon
  2. Two servings of flavored loose-leaf tea
  3. Honey and sugar cubes
  4. Cakebites
  5. A pearl and leaf necklace
  6. A Zoom link to join me and the other winners on Saturday, July 30 at 7 pm EDT for an hour to chat about the book and enjoy our tea together!


So grab your pirate hat, an eyepatch, and get your best “Arrr!” ready to roll off your tongue! We’re huntin’ pirate treasure, matey, and it’s bound to be fun!

On Science and Faith

Throughout the pages of The Nature of a Lady, Libby struggles a bit with how to reconcile her love for the scientific method and discovery with the faith of her mother, which seems very closed-minded to her. Oliver, a faith-filled vicar but also a bit of a botanist, helps her see that the two don’t need to be at war. This is a conversation I’ve heard played out many times over the years, though, so I thought it would be fun (and hopefully valuable) to chat some more about it.

If it’s a subject that interests you, please join me on the Science and Faith page. There you’ll find an article I’ve written, a conversation I had via email with other authors with scientific backgrounds, and some resources for further reading.

Companion Articles

In the weeks leading up to release day, I’ve also been posting articles on subjects corresponding with the book! You can find links to all of them now in one handy location. Check them out here!

Live Event

Join me for a LIVE chat on Tuesday, May 4th at 7pm EDT! Behind the scenes, an excerpt, a treasure hunt, and more! Join the event HERE.