What We’ve Been Reading – October 2021

I think C.S. Lewis had it right when he said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” Fall is the perfect time to cozy up with a warm blanket, a steaming cup of tea, and a good book. What have you been reading this fall?
Roseanna’s Reads

For the Edit(Cover Coming Soon)

For Fun

For Bookclub

In My Devotions
Rachel’s Reads
Even though I haven’t been reading nearly as many books of my own as I would like, I’ve been reading loads of books with the kids, and that makes me happy! I’m looking forward to adding some extra “fun” books into our curriculum this year.

From my Backlogged TBR
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
After seeing the show advertised everywhere last Fall, I decided I needed to read the books first. I am so glad I did! I’m really enjoying this series and can’t wait to catch up on the TV show now. This is an Adult General Market book.

With the Kids
The Perilous Road by William O. Steele
Learning about the American Civil War in History right now, my 4th grader is reading a bunch of books set during the war. Mostly with families having differing views on the war. Families with sons in both armies. Families torn apart because of hate. This book in particular shows how the hate this boy has against the Union Army eats away at your soul. After his brother joins the Union Army, Chris’s heart is burning with hatred. Yet when he found himself in trouble and needed help and rest, it was the Union soldiers who took care of him. He came to see that the hate he carried against these men was only damaging himself. There is a lot to learn from children’s books.

Classic on Audio
Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie
I LOVE Agatha Christie stories! I binged the Miss Marple TV show over the summer and am now on a kick of listening to the Poirot audiobooks. Seeing as Death on the Nile will be coming out as a movie next year, I wanted to start here. No matter how hard I try…I’m never right in guessing who the culprit is.

With the Kids
Little Pear by Eleanor Frances Lattimore
It’s fun rereading these stories with my 2nd kiddo. He gets so invested in the stories, it’s so much fun to watch his reactions. When Little Pear falls in the river, or goes off to the next town by himself, my son always has a comment and exclamation to make.