Word of the Week – Seconds

Word of the Week – Seconds

Time for another word brought to us by Shakespeare!

This time, we’re looking at seconds. Now, first, note the -s on the end of the word. We’re not talking here about second, but about seconds…and we don’t mean the measure of time. 😉

The meaning that Shakespeare coined for us in one of his sonnets circa 1600 is “articles below the first in quality.” So think of items pulled from production that aren’t quite up to full quality so are sold at a discount. Shakespeare first used this as an extension of the natural meaning of “following the first” and it stuck!

Now, maybe your favorite meaning of seconds is a second helping. (I mean…) If so, then you should know that that meaning dates from 1792. So we can’t thank Shakespeare for that one, but that’s no reason not to enjoy it. In fact, I’m going back for seconds on my coffee right now…

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Word of the Week – Hint

Word of the Week – Hint

I love finding words that Shakespeare was the one to introduce to us…or at least, the first one we have record of. Goes to show the power of a writer, right? 😉

Did you know that hint also comes to us in its current meaning of “an indirect suggestion intended to be caught by the knowing” via Shakespeare as well? It’s true! He first used it right around 1600. It traces from Middle English hinten, which meant “to inform,” which is in turn from Old English hentan, which means “to seize.”

The noun form pre-dates the verb by about 40 years. By the late 1700s, the OED also records the meaning of “a small piece of practical information.” You know, like “I like coffee and chocolate. Hint, hint.” 😉

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Word of the Week – Unfriend

Word of the Week – Unfriend

For those of us living in the age of social media, unfriend is a verb describing the act of removing someone from your social media friend list. However, you might be surprised to realize that the word has quite a long history!

To be fair, it wasn’t a verb until around 2007, when it began to be used as just described on Facebook. But unfriend has been a noun meaning “enemy” in Scotland as early as the 1200s, and was still used commonly into the 1800s! And Shakespeare got in on the unfriend action too–he frequented used unfriended to describe someone who didn’t have any trusted friends.

So see there, everything new is just a borrow from something old. 😉 (Okay, maybe not everything…but certainly in this case!)

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Word of the Week – Rude and Rudimentary

Word of the Week – Rude and Rudimentary

Ever wonder what rude and rudimentary have in common? They sure sound alike…but these days, rude indicates bad manners, and rudimentary means basic. Are they related?

You bet they are! Both come from the same Latin root, rudis, which means “rough, crude, unlearned.” Think of this not as necessarily bad, but as “raw”–from there, rude came into English meaning the same thing by the late 1200s, with that sense of “coarse, unfinished.” But it only took about a hundred years for people to begin applying it to each other when they did mean something negative–because if one’s manners are raw and unfinished and coarse, that usually meant one “ill-mannered, boorish, ignorant, uneducated” or “marked by incivility.”

As for rudimentary, it starts from that same root, but didn’t become a word until 1819, but from the 1500s onward we had the same meaning carried in rudimental. Here, they both mean “undeveloped or elemental.” Rudiments is also from the 1540s, with that meaning of “elements”–the raw things that haven’t had anything done to them.

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Word of the Week – Hurry

Word of the Week – Hurry

Did you know that Shakespeare was the first to use the word hurry (at least in writing)? It’s true! And he used it quite often. But though he gives us our first recorded uses, the word comes from a long line of similar words, going back to the Proto-Germanic (that just means first or root Germanic language) hurza, which meant “to move with haste.” From that came the Middle English hurren, which was used to describe the rapid vibration and buzz of insects. Hurry may have adopted its new ending because of the influence of harry.

Other Germanic languages like Middle High German and Old Swedish both have similar words (hurren and hurra), which both mean “to whirl or whir, to move fast.”

Hurry up as a command to make haste dates from the 1890s.

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Word of the Week – August, Take 2

Word of the Week – August, Take 2

A couple years ago, I did a post on August, diving into the Latin roots and how July and August were both renamed for emperors…and sharing a silly epiphany I had about it in high school. You can (and should!) read that post here.

But I was so busy sharing my silliness that I decided not to make that post any longer with other fascinating tidbits about August…so here we are, back again!

First, a bit more on the Roman renaming of the months after emperors. Did you know that when they renamed the seventh month July and the eighth month August, they also renamed September and October to be Germanicus and Domitian? They totally did! But for whatever reason, those second two didn’t stick, and only the first two did.

But what about in the English speaking world? What was this month called before England adopted the Roman names in the late 11th century?

They called it Weodmonað, which literally translates to “weed month.”

Go ahead. Laugh. I know I did.

This “weed month” was, at the time at least, considered to be the first month of autumn in England (whereas August in America is considered the last month of summer, and it’s often the hottest month of the year–but “weed month” still works on this side of the pond!)

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