Thank you all so much for praying for me as I went into surgery last Friday, and for continuing to pray for my recuperation! I appreciate it so much!
So last Friday, October 11, I had my double mastectomy. The “double” part was my choice, made because it decreases my chances of going through breast cancer again by 90%. I liked those numbers! Because of my size and the size of the tumor, a single mastectomy was necessary–a lumpectomy wouldn’t have left me with enough material for reshaping. I also needed to have all the lymph nodes in my right armpit removed, because they were still showing up as abnormal in the last MRI. Having the lymph nodes all removed puts me at a risk of lymphedema, swelling of the arm and hand, so I would definitely appreciate prayers that I can avoid that. I have exercises to do to help prevent it, and will be wearing compression sleeves to help with it as well.
The surgery went really well! Not that I got the update from the surgeon, LOL, but she reported to my family that everything was textbook or better. She was able to use a blue dye that tracks the drainage channels in my arm so that she could avoid them, which should help with that lymphedema concern. We all agree that we just love Dr. Bailey and always feel better about things after talking to her. She came in to see me before surgery and said, “I know you’re not looking forward to this, but look at it this way. After today, we know you’re cancer free. That makes today a great day.” And she is so right about that!
I only stayed one night in the hospital, which was fine by me. 😉 I did have a bit of swelling on my right side the morning after surgery, so they wrapped me up tight in an ace bandage and told me I wasn’t allowed to take it off until my follow-up appointment at the one-week mark. I absolutely understand that…but I’m looking forward to getting a break from it. I feel a bit like a mummy. 😉
As I’m sitting here several days post-surgery, I can report that I’m certainly nowhere near normal–my range of motion is hugely decreased, so there’s a lot I can’t do while incisions heal. But the pain of the first day has faded into discomfort and aching, which is a big improvement. I’m able to sit at my desk and in fact find that it’s really comfortable to have my arms braced at that height. Convenient, since I just had digital galleys arrive for The Collector of Burned Books. Reading through it doesn’t tax me much but still makes me feel useful, so that’s nice. =)
My sister brought over a TON of food, and my mom and grandmother added to it, so we’re well stocked, for sure! Definitely a blessing, because I can’t even reach the microwave on my own, much less cook anything, LOL. Today I have an appointment with physical therapy, and tomorrow a follow-up with my surgeon at which I will hopefully get the drains removed and be cleared for things like showering. They expect to have pathology reports early next week, so I also have an oncology appointment on Monday to discuss treatment from here out. (UPDATE: Pathology reports came in, and I am CANCER FREE!! No cancer in any tissue or lymph nodes removed! Praise God!)
Again, thank you all so much for your support and encouragement and prayers! I don’t know where I’d be without it, but it means the world to me.

Thank you for sharing your good news💞
I’m so sorry you had to go through this but happy to hear your surgeon was confident you got all the cancer. I went through left mastectomy and lymph node removal. I hope you will go through physical therapy with your arm. It was scarey not being able to raise my arm but the therapy helped get it up in time for radiation. I had no issues with lymphedema until last year. I had a mole removed on my shoulder around the same time I did yardwork in intense sun. Since then I wear my sleeve daily.
Be proud of what you have gone through, it’s not an easy battle by any means. You are the heroine of your own life, strong like the leading ladies in your books! Best wishes on your recovery.
I am so grateful that your surgery went so well and that you are now cancer free! I will pray for your continued healing. Thanks for sharing your story.
So thankful to the Lord-as we traveled this journey with you. Best news ever (from a two time BC survivor)!
We are praising God for your great pathology report! Mine came back last week with similar results–no lymph involvement in any of the six they took out and clean margins on the mass. Will continue to pray for you and your family as you recover and continue this journey.
Praise the Lord!!! My swelling has subsided, and the surgeon released me last week. Next week I begin radiation. Continuing to pray for healing without lymphedema!!❤️
What wonderful news! I’m thankful you are cancer free. I’ll continue to pray for your recovery from the surgery and while you have other treatment. Thank you for being so open about sharing your experience so we have the privilege of praying for you.
Such great news! I’ve been praying for you and will continue to do so.
This the best news!! Our small group has been praying for you since your diagnosis. Last night we put a rock in the jar for answered prayer and are continuing to pray for you through the rest of the journey.
I just read the email that you are cancer free! I am praising God with you!!! We have an awesome God!
I’m pray’ing about all of the things that you mentioned in this update post!! Praying especially as you begin physical therapy and continue the healing process!! Praying that you will not get overly discouraged!! Praying that you will stay positive!! Sending much love your way!!
Such good news. You are such a trooper, and an inspiration. Will continue praying!
Praising God that you are now cancer-free! Asking the Lord that you will sense His presence in each moment of discouragement in the slow process of healing. Awaiting your next novel.
Praising God for the good news so far that you are now cancer free. Praying for recovery now. So thankful you have such a great support system to keep you well supplied with food and hugs. Now for getting that next book to the publisher:) I just read your Christmas novella and absolutely loved it. Keep up the positive spirit!
I’m so relived to hear the results of the report and know you are past the surgery. I’m continuing to pray for your healing. It sounds like you are surrounded with love and support and that is so good to know!
Continuing to pray for you a speedy recovery!
Praising God with you for a successful surgery and a positive oncology report. Praying for a speedy recovery and feeling more like yourself each day.
Praising God with you that the surgery went well and that you are cancer free! You and your family have been in my prayers daily and will continue to be, Roseanna.
Dear, I am praying for your swift recovery and that you will have many pain free and comfortable moments. As a BC survivor, may I suggest that you diligently do your lymphedema exercises. Also, I would suggest (per my own doctor’s) that you do not have blood pressure taken in your lymph node surgery arm. Also, no blood draws or IV’s in that arm. And when you have immunizations, avoid that arm. These are suggestions from my UNC Hospitals oncologists and the surgeon’s. Blessings to you.
Great news! Your story has been so inspiring and love that you have remained so positive. Continuing to pray for you and your family 🙂
Prayers, Blessings and Hugs! I will keep you in prayer for a complete recovery and that you remain cancer free! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
I’m praying for your continued recovery and healing.
Tears! What beautiful faithfulness of our God on display! I’m so sorry you’re in pain. Praying and praising the Lord with you.