Where has February gone? In my opinion, it’s just too short. 😉 Although I didn’t get very much reading done this month, there are some really good books I recommend on this list. 🙂 Happy Reading!

Roseanna’s Reads

For the Edit

The Secret Place by Camille Eide
Really enjoyed this deep contemporary. Though dealing with crucial topics like motherhood, sisterhood, honesty, and selfless love, it also has a narrator with a witty voice and some hilarious moments with a 4-year-old boy, for a total win.

With the Kids

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
I loved this book the first time I read it to the kids a few years ago, and I’m loving it even more this time after having done some independent research on the history of racism, especially in the 20th century. This book definitely deserves all its acclaim!

With the Kids

Little Britches by Ralph Moody
This autobiographical tale about a young boy who lived a few years as a rancher in Colorado with his family is an amazing slice-of-life story from the turn of the last century. Definitely a great read with the kids to show them how hard a homesteading life was…but also how worth it.

For Fun

Beauty Among Ruins by J’Nell Ciesielski
Okay, so I’ve only just started this one, but I couldn’t resist when the press release said it was a Beauty and the Beast retelling! And hello, Scottish castle! And the Great War, so of course right up my alley! I’ll have to let you know next month my final thoughts beyond “Oo, fun concept and setting!” You know, when I’m further than chapter three. 😉

Rachel’s Reads

For Fun

Veilded in Smoke by Jocelyn Green
I know book 2 JUST came out…but that’s how behind I am on my reading. Eeeep! But this story is absolutely FANTASTIC! Genuiniely in love with this story.

On Audio

The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
It’s been quite some time since I’ve read The Lord of the Rings. And as I’ve made a decision to read/reread as many classics as I can this year, I decided to put this one on audio. I’m about 25% of the way through now. I only listen in the car as I go to and from my workout classes…But I do enjoy filling the drive with this story.

With the Kids

The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh
We read this one as part of school and my 3rd grader really enjoyed it. The cadence, the suspense, the adventure…he was enthralled.

Also for Fun

Dreams of Savannah by Roseanna M. White
I mentioned being behind on reading right? I am only know finishing this remarkable story by our very own Roseanna White. I LOVE everything about this story! The characters have taken up residence in my heart and I just admire them and love them! Except the antagonist….ooooh he burns my biscuits.

With the Kids

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Continuing with our nightly reading as a family through this month has been so rewarding. It’s an excellent time for us to all come together and unwind for the evening.

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