On Wings of Devotion – The Codebreakers, Book 2

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Against Every Warning, She's Drawn Ever Closer to the Man Known as "Black Heart"

All of England thinks Major Phillip Camden a monster--a man who deliberately caused the deaths of his squadron. But he would have preferred to die that day with his men rather than be recruited to the Admiralty's codebreaking division. The threats he receives daily are no great surprise and, in his opinion, well deserved.

As nurse Arabelle Denler observes the so-dubbed "Black Heart," she sees something far different: a hurting man desperate for mercy. And when their families and paths twist together unexpectedly, she realizes she has a role to play in his healing--and some of her own to do as well.

With Camden's court-martial looming, an old acquaintance shows up, intent on using him in a plot that sends the codebreakers of Room 40 into a frenzy. With their fragile hopes for the future in the cross hairs, Arabelle and Camden must hold on to hope--and to each other--if they want to survive.

The Codebreakers, Book 2

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7 reviews for On Wings of Devotion – The Codebreakers, Book 2

  1. Brianna

    I’ve read this book twice through, though I’ve definitely sat down and re-read several scenes. My family has tired over me talking about it, because I just can’t not talk about it. It’s THAT good.

    I don’t always like female characters. Some of them can be overpowering and irritating. Ara is not the case. She is everything I strive to be as a Christian woman, and Roseanna presents her so well. She’s strong and fierce, but comforting and filled with grace. With LIGHT, as Cam sees almost immediately. Something is different about her. She has insecurities, so she’s certainly not perfect, but she’s one of the few female leads that make the story come to life.

    And Cam. Oh my. I don’t know if there’s anything else to say to that, but I love him so much, so I will anyway. He’s broken. Smashed to a million pieces, and the way that shows up on the pages …. oh, it’s amazing. Almost like Ara being a rarity, I think he is too, because few writers take a bad boy like this (and he’s definitely one) and make it into a story SO GOOD. There’s a part toward the end (no spoilers) that ended with me putting my head down on the book and sobbing. Yes, sobbing. My sisters were concerned.

    And that brings me to the best part: the faith. It is weaved throughout, the guiding light, the true author of the story. I love a good redemption story, and that’s what this, and my oh my. Bring your tissues, prepare to squeal and giggle, and just enjoy this story that not only explores history and romance, but shows Jesus working on the pages.

    (I could write a whole book on how good this book is.)

  2. Laura Mortimer

    Unexpected. Thrilling. Spectacular!
    Initially, I had my doubts for “On Wings of Devotion.” The book’s hero is Major Philip “Black Heart” Camden, who was aloof and unlikeable, at best, in the first installment of The Codebreakers series. The slated heroine, Arabelle Denler, was a dependable wartime nurse in the first book, but hadn’t played an overly exciting role in “The Number of Love.” This second book would be an enjoyable read, but I was not expecting fireworks as the reader. I was wrong! This story has villains, heroes, and historical events all tied into a gripping, comical, and overall wonderful read. I shuddered when I saw evil being planned and even smiled when seeing an old friend (past character) show up on the page. Each section is so well written that I understood characters’ influences and reasoning, whether they were right or wrong. It’s a FANTASTIC book!
    I’ve said this before, but Roseanna M. White is unbelievably talented and every book she writes gets better! (How is this possible?!) Her characters are both believable and interesting! As a bonus, White explains the truths and modifications of the events and characters for this book. When you’re ready to flinch and cheer through an amazing book, pick up “On Wings of Devotion” at her website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Christian Book Distributor, or Target!
    I received a complimentary copy of “On Wings of Devotion” from the publisher. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  3. Mary Hake

    This book wowed me and is my favorite of the new decade! Roseanna White certainly is a master at crafting characters and situations that appeal to readers and evoke their emotions. I was so involved in the story that I sometimes exclaimed out loud and was so moved near the end I could hardly continue reading. Such a powerful tale deserves wide readership. The novel can stand alone, but it’s even more intriguing when you have read the preceding one in The Codebreaker series and the original Shadows over England series from which these spun off, and women from another series also make cameo appearances. The author brings out things from World War I that I wasn’t aware of and includes plenty of twists and surprises. We see pain on the page and false assumptions and trickery and sacrifice and love and forgiveness demonstrated, in addition to learning to trust God no matter how bleak the situation. In this dramatic story, Nurse Arabelle Denler, daughter of a world explorer, is thrown together with Major Phillip Camden, a pilot whom everyone considers a scoundrel. I received a copy from the author. All opinions are my own.

  4. Lisa

    My favorite fiction books are those that are entertaining AND impactful, and On Wings of Devotion is the perfect example.

    Not only did the story pull me in (hello, I read it in just over two days!), but it moved me, as well. Arabelle became one of my favorite main characters in Roseanna’s books, and she embodied so much of what I want to be as a Christian woman. I found myself repeatedly thinking, “I want to be more like that!”

    But in true Roseanna fashion, it didn’t feel forced or heavy-handed. Arabelle was simply a good character who inspired me to develop more of her grace and kindness in my own life.

    Another thing I loved about On Wings of Devotion (and most of Roseanna’s books, in general) was that the romance wasn’t hurried or cheesy — a rarity among Christian fiction. Roseanna did a wonderful job of writing two characters who came together based on a soul connection, not just a physical attraction.

    In fact, this story was highly unusual (in a good way) in that the main female character was not a great beauty, and the main male character was not immediately drawn to her physical charms. While I did find the narrative of her plain features to be a bit excessive at points, it was refreshing to read about a main character and romantic pairing that didn’t follow the typical “attraction at first sight” storyline.

    Finally, as with all Roseanna’s books, I enjoyed the historical component — learning about major events and the peek into life in a different time period.

    Bottom line: If you enjoy reading historical fiction and fiction that inspires, I highly recommend On Wings of Devotion. You will love it.

    **I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher. A positive review was not required, and all opinions are my own.

  5. Anne Payne

    “You’ll either be a villain or a hero, Phil. Try to pick the right one, will you?”

    On Wings of Devotion is an incredible story of compassion and redemption! White has significantly raised the bar in Christian fiction with this one. Even with a tad slow start, it didn’t take long for Phillip and Arabelle to take purchase in my heart. Both so different and yet so in need of the other; their love story is one that I will long remember.

    This book has a strong Christian theme expertly woven throughout. Phillip’s agony over “The Incident” is palpable and blots out any color in his life…until Arabelle.

    Arabelle Denler has an incredibly strong faith in the Lord and her compassionate nature is prominent as a nurse. She’s seen the atrocities and toll war takes on soldier’s so it’s only natural she recognize the deep hurt in “Black Heart” Phillip Camden.

    I’ve always known White has a special gift when it comes to writing conversion scenes but the way she built up the emotional tension and turmoil leading to Camden’s conversion is exceptional. And may have caused a tear or two.

    I was delighted to see Barclay Pearce and “the girls” (from White’s Shadows Over England series) make brief appearances. It definitely deepened my pleasure in the story. I hope they show up in the next book too.

    Roseanna White fans are going to love this newest offering! It’s brimming with danger, intrigue, and romance. If you haven’t read her books, I highly recommend them.

    I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher. All opinions are my own. No compensation has been received.

  6. Grace Olson

    Somehow, Roseanna White manages to top her previous books with every new release that comes out. After reading the first book in The Codebreakers, I knew that Phillip Camden would be an interesting character. But I loved where she took this story.
    The historical detail of this book was impressive. I enjoyed getting to learn more about the air force during that time. And getting to see what a spy may have been like during that time was very interesting.
    The romance of this book was excellent. I loved how Arabelle is not your typical heroine. She’s not pretty, but her heart shines through in all she does. And that’s what draws the rascal Camden.
    The fears of these two characters are very real and relevant. They caused me to think as I continued through the story how fears like theirs affect my own life and perceptions.
    My favorite part of this book, though, was the faith element that was weaved throughout. It wasn’t easy for Arabelle to submit to the Lord’s leading. And she wasn’t always successful. And I loved that. It wasn’t portrayed as easy. Neither was Camden’s journey. Roseanna did such a good job of writing that story line.
    I heartily recommend this book to any fiction lovers!

    I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  7. Pamela Morrisson

    Roseanna M. White has become one of my favorite authors so I was so pleased to have the chance to read and review her latest novel, On Wings of Devotion. It was everything I expected and more.

    I have enjoyed this author’s tales set during World War 1 so much. My generation seems to see and hear more about WW2 so I certainly appreciate White’s research and attention to this neglected era. I loved reading about the codebreakers and their essential service to winning the war. The details provided made it much easier to understand how necessary the behind-the-scenes people help win wars. I also love how the characters develop throughout the book. Phillip Camden was a believable hero whose personal grief has him believing his country’s accusations against him. And Arabelle’s character touched my heart with her longing for a family of her own and her keen insight into hurting people that helped her to see past what others could see. Arabelle and Phillip were a perfect match and it was gratifying to watch them grow closer to each other and to the Lord as He directed them.

    On Wings of Devotion is a wonderful story with a steady plot, plenty of action and intrigue, some quite humorous interludes, and of course a satisfying romance. I recommend this book as well as every other book this author has written. Thus far the Codebreakers series has been amazing and I look forward to the next installment!

    I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the author and Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group. A favorable review was not required. All views expressed are my own.

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