It’s been a great summer for reading for me! This isn’t always the case, so that’s been a real treat. Of course, it means other things haven’t been getting done, but let’s not focus on that, LOL. For now, here are a few highlights, though not my exhaustive list!

For Book Club
Can you believe it…This was my first book by Karen Witemeyer that I’ve read! I know, I know…What took me so long? This will be my October book club selection, but I got a head start, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. =) I can definitely see why Karen Witemeyer is a reader favorite!

For Edits
A Voice Within the Flames by Henry O. Arnold
This biblical fiction from WhiteFire will release in December! It’s about the prophet Samuel and a bit about Saul, the first in a series that will take readers inside the prophets and kings. It’s a deep and compelling glimpse into these Old Testament stories!

Should Have Read it Long Ago
The Memoir of Johnny Devine by Camille Eide
I know Camille is an AMAZING author, and I’ve been meaning to read this one for ages…finally picked it up this month and sailed through it in two breathtakingly-beautiful evenings. Such a deep, richly drawn story! This one’s highly deserving of all the acclaim it received with it released!!!

On Audio
Dream Big by Bob Goff
I knew I’d like this one simply because it’s by Bob Goff. What I didn’t realize was this would TOTALLY be talking my language! His focus in this book is all about our dreams and ambitions and how to know which ones to chase–and then chase them well. I’m so in love that I’ve already bought both audio and hardback and the journal and we’re hoping to do it with a group at church with the DVD sessions too!

For Fun
Until the Dawn by Elizabeth Camden
Another author I can’t believe I hadn’t read! I needed to remedy that while I was on a reading-roll, so I grabbed the only book of hers I could put my hands on (I have others, but I must have loaned them out to my grandmother…I’ve been her library during quarantine, LOL). Though a few years old, Until the Dawn was a wonderful book! Thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait to find some more Elizabeth Camden to read!

On Audio - NOT with the kids...
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
You’d think I’d be reading this with my kiddos…but nope, LOL. I put myself on the waiting list for this one months ago, and it finally came available, so I listened while I could! I think I enjoyed this one even more than the first, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the series. I think I might switch up and read book 3 in paper though…
Rachel Dixon here…You might know me as Bookworm Mama…I am also Roseanna’s Virtual Assistant. As the end of Summer draws near, I am looking forward to establishing a new routine with school and curling up with a cup of coffee, a blanket, and a cozy Fall read. Here is what I’ve been reading this month.

For Book Club
Heartless by Marissa Meyer is our book this month and this is my third time reading it. I ADORE this book so much! If you love a good retelling, you’ll be captivated by this re-imagining of the Queen of Hearts. It is brilliant! (SIDE NOTE: This is the UK version that I own.)

For Fun
It has been YEARS since I read The Secret Garden. And like with Little Women I was blown away by my perspective this time around. Mary Lennox isn’t the spoiled little child that annoyed me to pieces. My Mama’s heart had so much compassion for her. If you haven’t read it recently, I definitely recommend reading it. It is a quick read and would be perfect to read aloud with the family as well.

For Review
This book made my soul and heart happy! A split-time romance with adventure and mystery. So good! And I highly recommend it!

With the Kids
With Summer comes the discovery of new-to-us books. Our school curriculum is so packed with reading material that I have a hard time squeezing in extra “fun” reads. I’m going to try and amend that this year, and with us going fewer places during the week, I’m hoping that will help. Judah (3rd Grade this year) is reading really well, but we’ve been reading this one aloud because there are a few BIG words in there.