Not that they’re all started right now, but since I’ve been away from normal blogging for Lent, I wanted to take the time today to let everyone know about a few of the giveaways that are going on now or will be soon!

Giveaways for The Reluctant Duchess 

15 copies coming directly from the publisher! You have until April 7 to enter.
Going on now!

A Holland Reads
One of my influencers was accidentally sent an extra copy, so she’s hosting a giveaway!
One copy available, going on now.

Ladies in Defiance
This will post on April 1, with a guest post about my heroine and a giveaway

The Nottingham Prizes
This would be MY grand giveaway, which will feature a slew of awesome prizes, ranging from the book to jewelry to some other special treats. It will begin on LAUNCH DAY–April 5–and will be live for two weeks. You’ll find this one right here!


Christian Fiction Spring Scavenger Hunt!

I’m thrilled to be part of the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt again! And quite excited to be hosting Angela Hunt on my blog this year for it. =) You’ll find my post that weekend on Lyn Cote’s blog.

And what all will be in the offering? Oh–SO MUCH.

I know it’s nearly a month away, but mark your calendars for this one!

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