A Heart’s Revolution (Signed)

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In 1783 peace has been declared, but war still rages in the heart of Lark Benton.

Never did Lark think she’d want to escape Emerson Fielding, the man she’s loved all her life. But when he betrays her, she flees Williamsburg for Annapolis, taking refuge in the nation’s temporary capital. There Lark throws herself into a new circle of friends who force her to examine all she believes.

Emerson follows, determined to reclaim his betrothed. Surprised when she refuses to return with him, he realizes that in this new nation he has come to call his own, duty is no longer enough. He must learn to open his heart and soul to something greater—before he loses all he should have been fighting to hold.

(Previously published as Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland)

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Weight .74 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 1 in

4 reviews for A Heart’s Revolution (Signed)

  1. Nicole Santana

    Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland (2011), aka, A Heart’s Revolution, by Roseanna M. White is a fabulous stand-alone novel. This novel comes in all forms including eBook, and is 313 pages in length. With a full-time job and a very precocious five-year old at home, this story took me three days to read. I purchased this novel from the author to read and review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. I give Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland 5 STARS. This story is a Christian Historical Romance.

    I absolutely enjoyed every second of this story. Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland is a perfect Historical novel, and proves again what a stellar writer and storyteller Roseanna M. White truly is. I was hooked from page one, and could not put this book down. I may have even sneaked reading pages during work today! LOL!

    This story is unique in that I hated the hero right from the start. He’s smug and detached and awful. I wanted to smack him on several occasions. I cannot remember reading a book hoping the leading lady would choose someone else. But, that’s how I felt through 3/4 of this book. Emerson’s best quality is that he realizes he’s a total fool. At first, Emerson does not seem so contrite; it’s more like he goes after Lark because of wounded pride. But, as he sees Lark through others’ eyes, and he finally witnesses her true personality, he comes to understand just what it means to be repentant. And then he makes good, solid change. Believable change. Emerson didn’t get perfect over night. But he knew the steps he needed to take to fix the mess he made, and he knew those steps began by going to God. As the story was nearing its end, I found myself rooting for Emerson to succeed in his redemption quest. And, by the end, I felt he had become a true hero.

    Lark is a wonderful heroine. At first, she tries to be what she believes society and Emerson want her to be. She is meek and mild, and she doesn’t ever show her true colors in public. But, over the course of the story, she grows into an amazing woman. She learns to express her opinions, she learns to stand her ground, and she learns to relax. The biggest stumbling block Lark faces in this story is herself. She is so caught up in her outer appearance that she loses sight of who she is. She doubts herself, her looks, and her worth. But, Lark discovers that God sets her worth, not man. Lark blossoms once she realizes this fact. She comes to see her true self-worth and beauty, and begins to be the woman God always wanted her to be. This is an exceptional reminder for me, and for most every woman I have ever met. Our value is not set by the standards of this world. Our value is set by God. So most of us don’t look like the women on the covers of magazines. Big deal! The creator of the known and unknown universes intricately formed us. He knows us by name, and He calls us His own. If that doesn’t prove our true worth, I don’t know what does!

    There is so much more that I want to say about this book! The secondary characters are wonderful. Wiley, Sena and her family, and the Calverts are some of my favorite characters. The depth and complexity to the secondary characters is as good as the main characters. And, the history — it is so clear Ms. White put in a ton of study and research for this book. I learned so much! I had no idea about life right after America became it’s own nation. I always assumed it was a rather peaceful, happy time, but that was not necessarily the case. I did not know about the discord between the American Revolutionists and the few Tories who chose to continue to make their home in America even after the War had been decided in America’s favor. It’s intriguing, and sad, to me that since its beginnings, America has resorted to a mob mentality when the majority doesn’t get its way, or when its popular values are questioned by others. There are a couple of tense moments displayed in this book, and the injustice of those moments really made me shake my head. On a more positive note, I really loved witnessing through Lark Washington’s official resignation from his military commission. What struck me was how eloquent he was. No one talks like him anymore. Such excellent word choice and elocution!

    Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland is an excellent story. If you are looking for a well researched, highly engaging story that is a fast-paced page turner, then you need to purchase this book. I highly, highly recommend it.

  2. Carol Kelley

    A Heart’s Revolution! 4 1/2 stars. This is the second time I have read this book and it is still a wonderful story! Full of history, self-discovery and romance. Lark and Emerson have been engaged for two years and finally have set a wedding date, but Lark is tired of being ignored. Then she catches Emerson in a compromising position and leaves for Annapolis to break the engagement. Loved the secondary characters too. I would love for there to be a sequel.

    I received a copy from the author to review and all opinions are my own.

  3. Susan C

    I have long been a fan of Roseanna White, but had not read her earlier book, Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland. As it has just been re-packaged and published as A Heart’s Revolution, I was very interested to read it, but unsure with how it would compare with her more recent and longer novels that I hold in high esteem. I need not have worried. I loved this story. It has it all, an unconventional swoon-worthy romance, fabulous supporting cast of secondary characters, well-researched historical detail and a spiritual thread woven into the story that is just as relevant today.

    In A Heart’s Revolution, the reader will find a remarkable heroine in Lark Benton. She at first appears quiet and unassuming, but finds inner strength and spirit as circumstances force her on a journey, not only physical but spiritual as well. Not only does she seek God’s will for her path, she also finds the strength to defend her inner convictions and fight for the rights of others. Ms. White’s love of history and her attention to detail brings to life the post-Revolutionary Annapolis for her readers.

    I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

  4. Trisha Robertson

    From heartbreak to healing, a story that reminds us that being honest with ourselves as well as those around us is always the best policy. Right from the start, I felt involved in the story and in the lives of the characters. I was emotionally invested in the lives of the characters and eager to find out what would happen next.

    This story begins in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia where we are first introduced to our heroine, Lark Benton. Lark is the youngest daughter of prosperous planters and engaged for the past two years to her brother’s friend and family neighbor Emmerson Fielding. Lark has been in love with Emmerson since they were children, but Emmerson seems to be in no hurry to get married and worse yet, it seems he could care less if the marriage ever occurs.

    After a shocking betrayal, Lark leaves Williamsburg and travels to Annapolis, Maryland. Lark quickly makes new friends and finds herself for once, the belle of the ball. She enjoys attending dances and feels like she can finally be herself.

    In Annapolis, we meet a second perspective hero and for quite a time I was left guessing how it would all turn out. I wasn’t very fond of Emmerson till the last 1/3 of the of the story when he finally comes out of his shell and we get to know him better. But will his change of heart be in time to earn the love of Lark, or will he be too late? Grab a copy of this riveting story to find out what happens.

    I give this story 4 stars and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading Colonial period fiction.

    (I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including Netgalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own.)

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