Roseanna’s Reads

In My Devotions

Mere Christianity 
by C. S. Lewis

As part of my C. S. Lewis kick, I’ve been reading Mere Christianity every morning along with my Bible. And it’s always nice to read something and immediately go, “Oh, so that’s why this has become a classic!” which has definitely happened with this one. Lewis really was a brilliant man, and his reflections on what lies at the heart of Christianity–not the details that separate one denomination from another, but rather what separates all Christians in their beliefs from non-Christians–are truly amazing. I can’t believe I haven’t read this one before and already know I’ll read it again. This one ought to be required reading for all of us!


For My Bookclub

The King’s Mercy
by Lori Benton

I love every book Lori Benton has written, and The King’s Mercy is certainly living up to her reputation for depth of character, scope of story, and amazing insight. The story follows a Scotsmen who was taken prisoner during the failed Jacobite rebellion and shipped to America as an indentured servant. Our heroine is the daughter of the plantation that buys his indenture, and she’s soon captivated by the towering Scot who’s learning to become a blacksmith. I love that Joanna is a woman who serves her family and servants with a full hard, chafing against the cruelties she sees in slavery in a completely believable way. And I think we can all understand Alex’s struggle, wanting a freedom that’s always out of reach. As always with Lori’s books, I recommend this one highly!!

For the Edit

Surf Smugglers
by Melody Carlson

I’m really enjoying with Melody Carlson on her Legacy of Sunset Cove Series, which follows Anna McDowell and her daughter Katie through some adventures that result from Oregon’s Prohibition laws, which came half a decade before the nation’s. Book 3 features a wedding, more focus on the Great War that America that just joined, a new hospital, and of course some smuggling that our intrepid newspaper people have to help put a stop to. Can’t wait for the final book in the series!


For the Kids

Odd Girl Out (Being Zoe #2)
by Melody Carlson

Melody’s Being Zoey series is the perfect read for middle school girls! I adored the first book, Meet the Misfits, all about being who you are and learning how to love your enemies. Book two continues the identity theme, as Zoey begins her middle school career in a new school, where her only friend is out sick for the first week. She makes another new friend, but this one seems bent on tweaking Zoey’s appearance, making her ask herself how much she can change and still be true to herself. But what I thought made it a really spot-on story was how technology plays a role in Zoey’s struggles and triumphs in this story. At the start, she’s the only one without a smartphone. But getting one only ushers in the problems that leave her yet again on the outside looking in. But though there is a message, it doesn’t read like it–just like a fabulous story about a sixth-grader. Your middle school girls will love it!


Rachel’s Reads

Wow! This summer has gotten so crazy busy! I am so thankful for audiobooks. I would not be able to read as many books without them. Here are some of the books I’ve been reading this month. You can watch for my reviews over on my blog, Bookworm Mama.


The Lost Girls of Paris
by Pam Jenoff

I’ve started listening to all the books that are on my TBR that aren’t on the docket for review this summer. I’m making pretty good progress too. This is such a heart-wrenching story. Based on the real women who went into France as radio operators during WWII. Oh, my heart. This is Historical Fiction and does NOT have a feel-good happy ending. Well written and fascinating all the same. I highly recommend this one!
PLEASE NOTE: This is a general market book. There is mild language.


For Fun/Review

Jody Hedlund

I never get tired of raving about Jody’s books. This brand new YA series from her is superb. You can find my full review for this Novella HERE

by Jody Hedlund

Book one of the Lost Princesses series….Oh.My.Word. Jody Hedlund can weave words so beautifully. The (clean) passion, faith, strong women, adventure, SWOON! Y’all really need to check this series out. Adults and Young Adults alike.


With the Kids

Chamber of Secrets (Illustrated)
J.K. Rowling

It took a while, but we finally finished book 1 and have now moved on to Chamber of Secrets. The boys don’t have a super long attention span so we just read a couple of pages (the pages are LARGE in this edition) a night. They love the illustrations and are fascinated by the Harry Potter Universe.


Happy (End of) Summer!!!

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